Hull CVS

Hull CVS provides the part of the Direct Payment package that enables you to be an employer of a personal assistant, but relieves you of the administration of the payroll.

Their service includes:

  • Calculation of monthly salary payments include PAYE and National Insurance and other statutory payments including Statutory Sick Pay, Statutory Maternity Pay and Statutory Paternity Pay.
  • Paying over of HM Revenue and Customs payments and keeping relevant records in order to process year end returns.
  • Production of employee’s payslips and summary sheets for the organisation showing all payments due, including payments to the HM Revenue and Customs.

To employ a personal assistant (PA) you need the support from Choices and Rights to get started, and your social worker will put you in to contact with them.

Choices and Rights will help you with all elements to recruit a Personal Assistant (PA). This will include arranging a DBS (disclosure and barring service) check, helping you take up references if you wish, and help you set up the insurance you need as an employer (you cannot start any employment until the insurance is in place). You can employ a friend or a member of your family as long as they do not live in the same house as you, and Choices and Rights can help you set up their employment in this instance also.

You can contact Choices and Rights:

Telephone: 01482 878778
Textphone: 01482 370986

Hull CVS LogoHull CVS Group is a multi-specialist organisation and encompasses the individual charitable and community organisations Hull CVS and Meeting New Horizons CIC. Hull CVS as the parent organisation, is a registered charity that supports the development and sustainability of local charities and causes, as well as leading on volunteering development for Hull and delivering a range of projects to support local residents and communities. Our subsidiary arm, Meeting New Horizons also delivers a range of community projects but within the wider Yorkshire and Humber region.

Established by Hull CVS, Be Connected is Hull’s solution to loneliness.

Image result for health watch hullHealthwatch is the independent consumer champion for people who use health and social care services.

Each Local Authority are of England has their own statutory Healthwatch service and Hull CVS are the providers of Healthwatch Kingston Upon Hull.

The role of Healthwatch is to find out people’s experiences of health and social care services with a view to making sure they are meeting people’s needs, and to suggest or call for improvements where needed based on people’s experiences.

Healthwatch is there to listen to local communities and provide them with the information and advice they need to get the support they deserve and to demonstrate how by speaking up, their experiences can make a difference.

Healthwatch have the legal power to make sure that people’s voices are heard by the government and those running services. As well as seeking the public’s views ourselves, we also encourage services to involve people in decisions that affect them. Our sole purpose is to help make care better for people.

Health_Captains_Strapline | Hull CVSFunded by NHS Charities Together, the Health Captains programme is a pilot initiative to identify ways that volunteering initiatives can help reduce pressures on NHS services, and empower people in their health and care journey.

The Health Captains programme aims to:

  1. Identify existing volunteering programmes across the Humber area which support individuals either in accessing health care services or in managing their recovery and condition.

  2. Identify further opportunities whereby volunteers could support individuals in this way.

  3. Work with healthcare and voluntary sector partners to develop and implement new such initiative