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Choices and Rights Disability Coalition(CARDC) are an organisation exclusively run by disabled people in the Hull and East Riding area. We believe that the best experts on the needs of disabled people, are disabled people themselves. As a result, Choices and Rights’ reputation has grown because agencies and organisations know that when they seek consultation with us, they are guaranteed a dialogue with a delegation of disabled people. Originally set-up in 1994, as a small campaigning group with funding of only £150, Choices and Rights have be come the leading organisation of disabled people in the Hull and East Riding area and have a growing regional and national reputation. One of our key roles is to support disabled people and their families to employ Personal Assistants, via the Direct Payment Scheme, so they can live independent lives. We also run and manage the Hull and East Riding Centre for Independent Living (CIL), providing information, advice and a range of services for disabled people, their families and service providers. |
If you’re looking for a career change in 2025, you could make a difference to your life and the lives
of others by beginning a career in care.
Choices and Rights have received support from Hull City Council to produce a video showing three different examples of how disabled people can use direct payments. The video features stories of the different experiences of disabled people and their Personal Assistants (PAs) and was produced and edited by Mal Wlliamson. (https://malwilliamson.com/)